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Total Impact Football is an XBOX 360-based "sim" football franchise featuring dedicated and active members. We have a group of owners who enjoy having "chess match" type games of Madden and value sportsmanship first, rather than trying to find cheap tactics to abuse for hollow victories. We have a very well thought-out and fair set of gameplay rules that ban the use of known exploits (nano-blitzing, rocket catching, etc...) and create fair competition, while still making the game fun and enjoyable for everyone. Our mission is to create an environment where owners with families, jobs, girlfriends, etc... can come together with like-minded people and play some fun, meaningful and competitive games of Madden. If you feel that our franchise may be the right fit for you, let us know. We'd love to see you out on the field with us, so that you too can begin "The Quest For The Lombardi Trophy".